Passive Real Estate
Investing Mini-Course
(For New Investors)
Get an ownership interest in an income-generating property, replace tenant headaches with ACH deposits, and protect yourself from a stock market downturn with real estate income.
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5 Email FREE Mini-Course To Help You Get Started Investing Passively
Want to own an interest in private real estate but wonder:
- How does this even work? It sounds too good to be true that I can make great returns without doing any of the work.
- How will this affect my taxes? Will I have to do a bunch of extra accounting?
- Is this possible for me? Can I really implement the same strategies that deca-millionaires are using?
Unlock the benefits of owning real estate as a limited partner (without the headaches and time spent managing it).
Written by Drew Breneman, who has:
- Completed 12 full-cycle investments in the past 15+ years with an average 24% IRR
- $250MM+ assets under management
- Paid out over $40 million in distributions
"The reason the top 1% love real estate so much is simple: it offers unparalleled diversification, wealth accumulation and tax benefits" - Drew Breneman